Clear Sight,
Better Operations.

Machine Vision Solutions from Peak and Zebra Technologies.

Logistics and warehousing environments deal with increasing pressure to keep pace with the growing requirements for accuracy and the “need it now” speed that customers demand. The key to keeping up? Automation technologies, like Peak and Zebra’s Machine Vision Solutions.

Forklift Pallet Scanning

Simply add Zebra fixed scanners or smart cameras to the tines of a forklift to turn it into an intelligent, code-reading device. This eliminates the need for drivers to stop and scan items manually by providing accurate, automated data-capture capabilities. Learn more »

Dock Door Scanning

This application includes two fixed industrial scanners that are mounted around the opening of dock doors for automatic scanning. Zebra’s innovative scanners provide the necessary speed, working ranges, and resolution to not only read barcode labels, but also assure label presence, confirm correct positioning and orientation, and ensure that a label is in the proper location. Learn more »

Packing Bench Scanning

This application is completely optimized for modern operations, as it provides a faster and more streamlined packing experience. Workers place a box under a fixed industrial scanner, which will flash green and beep, broadcasting visible and audible cues to indicate a successful decode. The scan can validate package contents and generate shipping labels, or validate existing codes. This allows employees to work up to 33% faster than manual scanning. Learn more »

Scan Tunnel Scanning

This application uses high-speed fixed industrial scanners, machine vision cameras, or smart cameras to capture barcodes on packages as they pass at high speeds through tunnels on a conveyor line. They are decoded by software to verify product information, which helps guide packages of numerous shapes and sizes to their destinations. No-reads and mis-reads can be flagged to be removed from lines, eliminating shipping errors before they happen. Learn more »

With today’s numerous disruptions in productivity—whether caused by labor shortages or inadequate processes—it’s clear that automation is a key to removing manual errors and improving speed, accuracy, cost effectiveness, and throughput.

Contact the automation experts at Peak today to learn how high-speed, industrial scanners, machine vision cameras and software can bring immediate improvements and return on your investment within 6 months or less.