Digital Workflow Solution

Increase Maintenance Efficiency By Over 30% With Digital Workflows And Assisted Reality For Life Science.

Peak Technologies’ Digital Workflow Solution when used in conjunction with the HMT-1 from RealWear enhances existing paper-based, human processes by converting them into easy-to-follow digital work instructions.

Digital Workflow Applications

Line Clearance

Reduce line clearance processing time by 35%, Increased Equipment availability.

Event Logging

Standardization of work through the removal of manual data entry and enforced workflow

Augmented Procedures

Increasing RFT % up to 23% when compared to paper-based system

Solution Architecture

Use Case Example Deviation Management

Operator notices a problem

While following an SOP – the operator comes across a non conforming event or potential deviation observation.

Puts the operation on hold

The operator must stop the operation and seek the advice of a supervisor or quality rep.

Notifies Supervisor / QA

The QA person is made aware of the issue and needs to review the situation before allowing the operation to continue.

QA reviews the situation
Headset Zoom Call
Photo / Video Evidence

Making use of the headset, the QA can do a live video call with the operator immediately without having to go to the production area. Photos and videos can me reviewed also.

A detailed investigation can be performed of the situation and this will support any deviation raised. If the Workflow Plus System is employed, the QA activity can also be recorded in an electronic record.

Provides Approval to Proceed
Suggests Further Investigation

Depending on the scenario, the approval to proceed is given or further invest igat ion required. Either way, a full graphical record of the events is available.

Optional Sub Header

Further Use Case Examples